(Shirt Sizes: Child: 6/8, 10/12, 14/16 / Adult: SM, MED, LG, XL)

* Camper's First Name * Camper's Last Name * M/F * Date of Birth
* Shirt Size

*Please check the weeks you are attending: (Must Choose At Least Two)

Note: If you are not sure of weeks, just select the weeks your child(ren) might attend. (Weeks can always be changed by the beginning of June.)
Week 1: June 30 - July 3

Week 2: July 7 - July 11

Week 3: July 14 - July 18

Week 4: July 21 - July 25
Week 5: July 28 - Aug 1

Week 6: Aug 4 - Aug 8

Week 7: Aug 11 - Aug 15

Week 8: Aug 18 - Aug 22

+Closed July 4

Tuition Rates Summer 2025

No. of Weeks Tuition
8 $4,199
7 $4,099
6 $3,899
5 $3,399
4 $2,899
3 $2,399
2 $1,899


P.O. Box 604010
Bay Terrace, NY 11360-4010
(718) 229-3037

Note: All Fields with asterisks (*) are Required

Contact Information:

Parent 1's Last Name:  
Parent 1's First Name:  
Parent 2's Last Name:  
Parent 2's First Name:  
*Parent 1's Cell Phone:   - -
Parent 2's Cell Phone:   - -
Parent 1's Work Phone:   - -
Parent 2's Work Phone:   - -
Alternate Telephone 1:   - -
Alternate Telephone 2:   - -
* Mailing Address:  
Apartment #:  
* City:  
* Zip:  
Email Address:  
Morning Pick-Up Address:  
Apartment #:  
Afternoon Drop-Off Address:  
Apartment #:  
Afternoon Telephone:   - -
Name of Contact at Afternoon Drop-Off Address:  
List Additional People Authorized to Pick Up Your Child From Camp:  
Can your child(ren) view a movie with a PG-13 rating?   Yes | No
Optional Comments (144 character maximum):
How many years has your child been a camper at World of Discovery Day Camp?
How did you learn about our program?  

Payment Information:

Tuition (no commas):   $
Deposit (minimum $100):   $
Balance:   $
Select Credit Card: |

Credit Card Security Code:   (What's This?)
Expiration Date (mm/yy):  
    Please note: There will be a 3.5% surcharge on all credit and debit card charges.
The total tuition includes transportation, camper insurance, all activities, shirts, tote-bag and trip admissions. All fees are to be paid in full by May 1, 2025. It is understood that no part of the tuition is refundable. However, for absences due to illness or accidents (as certified by a physician) for 10 consecutive days, a pro-rata refund will be issued for every day's absence thereafter. In the event World of Discovery is prevented from operating due to pandemic, poor air quality, city wide power outages, or any act of nature, there will be no pro-rata refunds or otherwise for the days missed. I agree that should the camper(s) require medical attention during camp hours while in custody of World of Discovery, the Director is authorized to seek such medical or health related attention that he/she deems necessary. I understand that participation in the activities of the camps may result in injury. I understand that it is impossible to eliminate the risks inherent in the activities. I assume all risks arising from or in any way connected with the activities and I release World of Discovery Day Camp, its employees and agents from all liability or financial responsibility arising in connection with any injury which my child may sustain if such injury is caused by the negligence of World of Discovery Day Camp, its employees and agents. I have been informed by the staff of World of Discovery Day Camp that my child(ren) will be going on numerous trips, which I have reviewed and hereby give my permission for my child(ren) to attend all trips and rainy day excursions. I also permit my child(ren) to participate in World of Discovery Day Camp's Swim Program. I understand that any picture and video taken by or on behalf of World of Discovery Day Camp of camp activities are its exclusive property and may be used for any reasonable purpose related to its business.
By entering my name below, I authorize World of Discovery to charge my credit card the deposit amount I entered above.
* Parent or Guardian's Name: Date: